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Location, location, location

Remote work is here to stay. And look who’s talking. Right now, I’m sitting at an Airbnb in Quebec, Canada writing this article. Let’s face it – remote work, or in my case, hybrid work, is awesome, and it makes me love my job even more! Working from different corners of the world, experiencing a new culture, getting new perspectives and a change in environment is just a few benefits. For me, the joy, and the freedom of being able to do this, is priceless.

According to an article in the Financial Post, remote work is here to stay: But I guess, we all knew that. Although, as a business leader, it may be harder to accept this, even though research show that “hybrid work boosted employee satisfaction and productivity, slashing attrition by 35 per cent.” Trust issues and the difficulty of building a company culture with physically absent employees are two major concerns.

Nina Tremblant

When it comes to hiring fully remote workers, I dare to say, that this will be a necessity for many companies to get hold of the right expertise, especially within the tech industry. Not being able to allow remote or hybrid work, will be a drawback for companies in 2023 when attracting and keeping great employees. Accepting fully remote employees is an ongoing process, but business leaders can be left with no choice than to hire remote workers if they want to get hold of the right competence in time to scale-up their company. Sometimes business must come first.

As a recruitment company, we focus on meeting our clients’ needs and wants. Succeeding in attracting great skills and competence to our region and to Norway is something we are proud of. Employer branding is key to making this happen. But sometimes the location of the company is just not ideal for the candidates that we want for the job.

Building a strong professional environment and culture may be difficult to do remotely, but maybe it’s time to start working on how to do this so that your company can hire better and faster in the future?